Thank you for visiting our virtual space. We are glad you are here.
This internet site is designed to update you on our current and latest programs and to provide you with our contact information. All efforts are made to keep the website up-to-date; however, for more detailed or specific information, you should contact the office at 334-877-1778.
Although our programs and services are discussed on this website, you can obtain a copy of our company brochure by contacting our office at 334-877-1778. You can stop by the office and a staff member will be glad to talk with you about our different programs.
The emphasis of our site is to keep the legal community, our community partners, and our constituents informed so that we can be a full benefit to the 4th Judicial Circuit. You are encouraged to visit this site on a regular basis for the latest news concerning our development and growth.
If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online, we would be pleased to hear from you! Send an e-mail if you have questions or visit us at for additional information.
Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help. Please allow at least 48 hours for an electronic response.
Mission Statement: "To provide an alternative to traditional court sentencing for non-violet offenders." To maintain the integrity of the criminal justice system, we accomplish this mission through strict defendant accountability, intense supervision, responsibility of defendant's actions, payments of court costs and victim restitution, community service and sobriety checks.